Are you a guy that has a hard time getting in and out of a traditional zip race suit?  Do you have a big belly and find it hard to zip your suit?  Do you have HUGE shoulders and a smaller waist and feel like there isn't a suit made to work for you? 

Bodybuilders to heavy set guys; we have a solution for you!  When ordering your HEROIC custom motorcycle racing suit; ask for the Dual Zip option.  The dual zip allows the top of the suit to pull on like a back pack.  Put both arms in and lean forward and zip up that suit.   The dual zip has two heavy duty zippers that start at each hip; follows your ribs to the outside of your chest pecks then up to your collar.  The system is a GENIUS addition to your racing toolkit.  

HEROIC Dual Zip Custom Suit Option for Big Guys

Guaranteed you will be the first guy in your group in and out of your race suit; everytime!

HEROIC Dual Zip System - $150 upgrade

Do you want extra chest protection?

Add the D3O Level 1 chest protector kit to you dual zip for $75!